I am a Human Being.
No one hurts me, its me, who sows the seeds of grief and pain.
I am a Human Being who has just one purpose to merge into divine.
Twin flame surrender is not giving up on Love, but giving up on control, lies and expectations. Read more on Quora
Killing true love, lying, manipulations, breathing money, accepting fake bonds and living a life of parasite for social accepting and pleasing people is NOT SURRENDER, as here you have surrendered to you ego not god.
I dare you for real surrender, your mind will shrink, ego will cry and your material life will come to a halt if you speak out your truth, and having faith in divine you know you will have the blessings of the divine in this karma.
Surrender is Peace, giving up is fear and the divine has nothing to do with fear. Those who surrender are fearless, identity less and know its all divine.
Truth liberates and its lies that keeps you a slave of toxicity and negative fear patters.
choose truth, faith and love, be free and liberate.
My friend you are such a beautiful soul, you are so kind and have so much empathy. You are right how can you be happy is the world around you is suffering. But my friend your world starts with you, you are then miracle, you become the light the miracle and see that you are able to higher the energy and vibe of those around you. We all have our own little spaces and world where we can make lives better. Happiness is a state of mind and a soul like you should focus on balance, the word is PEACE. The more of balance you strike the more of stability you will be able to provide to those around you. If each one of us do their bit, this place will become a better and Happier place.
keep seeking answers, spread love and practice your faith
What is Self Love and what does connecting within or going inside mean?
There have been many many times i have been asked what is self love. And then today i was guided to finally pen down actually what these two lines mean:
1.: So lets begin with ‘Self Love that sets you free: self love is not a massage session or manicure, pedicure or hair color session. Self love is realising, introspecting and figuring out yourself , standing up for your inside needs, accepting what you feel and standing up for them, just like you would stand up for your best friend or your parents, if someone abused or bad mouthed them. Self love is to Accept you truth, to be in peace with your inner needs and saying yes to them. Most of the time, we are scared to even say or a let ourself feel what we really feel for the fear or hurting our loved ones or the fear of humiliating ourself or embarrassing our families that how could we be or feel in a certain way. But my friend its ok, you can feel the way you are feeling, you have to know what you feel is right or wrong for you and not the world, figure out your happiness and peace and play it out in your life, before you end up living someone else’s life and you realise later in life that the person you have always been is not the person you are. Please trust me on this one, many and seriously many of us think that no one will know our truth, but honestly you knowing your truth yet running away from it, not accepting it is much more difficult and hard in later age, thats when you inner soul questions you and you start finding answers to what wrong did you do. You lied to your family, you faked happiness and joy to your friends, you fooled your kids by being superparents. But my buddy, you fooled only yourself.
So if you claim to love your mother, father, spouse, kids and siblings, they also should love you and accept you the way you are. You shouldn’t be someone else to be in their good books. There are no good books that matter, except the one that the divine is writing and you are the one narating it. Please please before you do justice to any other relationship, love, friendship or bond. Please be honest with yourself, accept your real you. That is the only way you will live a peaceful life, enjoy the money you earn and will be able to love unconditionally. Otherwise, if you keep sacrificing your inner needs for your said loved ones, you will start to experience panic attacks, depression and weird mental issues, because the more you go away or escape your inner being and its needs, the more distress and anxiety you will face.
To this many of the young people i talk to say, isnt self love being selfish and self centred. My usual answer to this is voicing what you feel inside is not selfish, if people think you are mean, listen to them, share your perspective and if they love you and know that what you are saying, feeling and wish to do is your real journey, they will understand. And especially if the ones who claim to love us dont even want to know what means love, happiness and peace to us. What kind of loved ones are these. Its better to be alone and at peace then to be with a crowd of people and still be lonely or mentally with someone else. So high five to self love, as you understand, accept and voice your inside needs is important to figure out your purpose and road on this highway of life. Speaking truth with oneself, giving oneself the confidence on the path of truth, faith and love is real self love my friend. Giving people genuine love, sharing their journey and having more meaning existence in this world is real self love. Upping yourself to higer energies, creating an evironemnt or positivity and dropping your fake, dramatic and victim self is real self love.
2. go inside yourself, thats where the answer lies: Okay now the next big thing, go inside yourself. Many a time its interesting how people tell their thoghts on going inside but going inside is simple, its figuring out me. After explaining the point above this is easy. We all identify with gender, caste, creed, community and religion. But how many of you identify with yourself. I am me, i want peace, i like simple things and little things make me smile. I dont want the world to be happy, appreciate and impressed with my existence, i jus want my inside noises, screams and tears to turn in giggles, smiles and blissfull music. Go inside of you, bare your hurt, open your trauma, accept it all and out it for the divine to heal. If your really want to go on a journey to self (inside) Talk to self, talk to the divine, increase your vibe, higher your energy, mantain an energy where you are able to connect this body to the the inside soul (divine). The journey of connecting this present state of i with the conscious of we and us is the real journey. The simple ways of going on this journey are simple, eat simple, sit in meditation (dhyaan). Higher you vibe by staying away from liars, toxic people and practise truth and honest living, even if it simple. As you start to walk this path, you will feel that its real difficult to be truthful and honest in this supposed bad world, but my friend how many of you gather the courage to go inside and take this journey to self.
So, to go inside is like doing actions of love, gathering knowledge, practising truthfulnesses and maintaining a high vibe. and as you walk this path, i can bet on this, you will feel a sea of change in your life, you will become much calmer, you will smile genuinely and enjoy simple things and the best is that you will lose all kinds of fear. Beacuse, you are intune with yourself, the divinity and when the divine is incharge, whats the fear. Let go this body, its identities and drama. Get attached to yourself, become self cenntred about your peace of mind nd let go all these bonds that have made you slave of guilt, fear and expectations.
keep seeking answers, spread love and practice your faith
My frind from your question it seems you are bit of a control freak and everytime you feel life is not happening as per your comfort, you get worried. Then you soin a plan to get your life back to the comfort zone and for a while enjoy that comfort zone and when the next challenge arrives you again panic. There is a pattern in your life, where it seems you are escoing or ignoring a lesson that you need to learn and then only you will be able to break this pattern.
you are not happy inside because you are not listening to the inside voice. Talk to yourself, your best friend and find out what is that you are missing. Focus on what is it that makes you smile, gives a little peace. Do not , not run after excitement and you will surely solve yourself for you.
keep seeking answers, spread love and practice your faith
Wake-Up: God is not coming to rescue you.
Recently i have answered lots of questions and spoken to many of my clients about Divine Timing.
People have one excuse for not doing what they should is ‘it will happen when God wants it to happen’ or ‘god will save me’. seriously, if you agree to this then please wake up.
No one practically, no one is going to come and wake u up from your sleep.
Your previous birth karmas have created a destiny for you, and destiny is no lotteries, destiny is these circumstances that you live each day. the kind of people you meet. yes all this is decided. but doing what and how you make the best use of this situation, people or your inside calling is your future destiny in the making.
Please know that the first person you are responsible for is YOU. If you are lying, cheating and doing all wrong deeds to make money for your family, you are already sowing the seeds of bad karma and please know, no one whose eating meals or enjoying your money is going to pay for your wrong deeds.
It is your dharma to earn, the right way or the wrong way is your karma. please dont make excuses of your circumstances as every one is equally dealing with all kinds of mess, negativity and toxicity.
You have ruined yourself to keep everyone happy, but do you know you are not doing any favour. The fake love you are sowing, in the name of sacrifice will coming back lashing at you in future.
Stop saying i cant, and what can i do. you can live a decent life in simple ways and means, yes you will have to do more hardwork, study more, become more skilled and qualified but thats your dharma and that is how you evolve and grow as being by challenging your own potential.
How can you be a good father if you have no time for your child and all you give is money, then on day will come when all your son will have for you is money and no time. so please sort now. value love and relationship, teach and practise love in your relationship.
Also many mothers out there kill their own relationships and personal happiness for their families. But my friends how can you give happiness when you are hollow inside.
The sacrifice word is too over-rated, if you lead an honest life there is no need to sacrifice. love, truth, prayers and your genuine intent can sail you through all adversities.
So there is no divine timing. If Your inside is pushing you, making you feel guilty or giving you signs to do something, please dont wait for any divine timing. Do it. walk that path of your calling. Beacuse no one can do what is YOUR calling.
No one can love, pray or eat on your behalf. you have to do these your ownself as they are for you, by you task that define the quality of your life.
So please wake up, wake up your friends, spouses and relatives to the reality called life. life is not a game, where you play mind games. Life is an opportunity where you use your life tools of love, prayer and truth to vibe higher and move ahead on your soul journey.
You made, are making and will make your own destiny. God is no sadist or lottery giver. God is the energy that manges this cosmos. God just sets, manages and delivers the fruits of your karma. we perform, god awards. dats it.
stop fooling yourself.
Seek truth, love and surrender to Faith.
Does True Love Exist, and if yes, why does it hurt ?
We all have been so craftily programed that love is all excitement n jazz. It makes your world go crazy and just everything changes.
But my friends true love is that true bond, where you uncover your past hurts, you sleep peacefully, you have the courage to speak the truth, you get closer to the divine, you start feeling more healing energies inside you and no matter where your relationship goes. True love wishes you well not hatred.
True love really doesn’t mean the perfect road of marriage, to kids and then die together in old age. This is all programmed and scripted. True love comes into your life when your soul has wandered for ages and now you finally need to heal, sleep and find the road to yourself. So the true love gives you a home, then by its immense love makes you feel so strong that you are able to adress all your unhealed issued and once their task is over your true love will let you stand up on your own feet.
Its here that your real journey begins inwards. You start to walk inwards and start opening your layers of hurt, past traumas and start facing those deepest dirty secrets. it is now that the process of Let go begins. At this point you feel hurt and rejected by your true love also your twin flame and many a times your soul mates enter this journey as its your soul mates that gives you comfort you need here.
And once and if you have figured out yourself and awakened to your true self is when you have found your true love. You have found yourself and that is your real true love.
This is where you become complete and divine. Just remember the road to finding self and attaining true love is only possible with acceptance of truth, having faith in divine and surrendering to every aspect and layer of yourself and then letting go your identies of i me and myself.
keep seeking, praying and loving
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